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Team Coaching

Team Coaching – Opening Conversations and Building Trust

Becoming a high-performing, value-creating team doesn’t happen by accident. It requires trust, a level of mutual accountability, and total commitment. 

Team Coaching is a journey designed for teams that want to serve the broader business environment, accelerate achieving collective goals, learn together, and grow their collective leadership. Coaching within a team clarifies purpose, boosts awareness, increases alignment, promotes accountability, and ignites action.   

As ICF certified coaches, we facilitate the critical and courageous conversations that help teams align and move forward. Through inquiry, discussion and participation, we work with teams to maximize their collective talents, build high-performance cultures and improve internal and external relationships.   

Team Coaching involves facilitated conversations around the current challenges and the journey to the future required state. Give us the topic and we will provide the best container and framework for the discussion. Here are some of the topics we’ve facilitated with teams:   

  • Building a Consistent Model for Effective 1:1’s 
  • Aligning our Personal Development Plans Processes  
  • Building a Performance and Results Culture  
  • How to Define Our Team Culture  
  • How to Define Our Leadership Brand  
  • Building a High-Performance Team  
  • How to Have Courageous Conversations  
  • Learnings from Navigating a Pandemic 

Team coaching can be integrated into learning and development programs or combined with 1:1 coaching for each team member.  

We will work with you to co-create a Team Coaching Program that achieves your goals.   

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